Saturday, July 2, 2011

Johnny Depp John Dillinger

images Johnny Depp - Public Enemies Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Still of Johnny Depp in Public
  • Still of Johnny Depp in Public

  • kiranraheja
    10-29 05:48 AM
    I recently got my I797 approved (on Oct 19) but, the USCIS denied my extension of stay, and I need to go for stamping in Chennai (as per I797). My question:
    1. Can I attend the interview in Canada/Hyderabad consulate instead of Chennai. Company attorney said that should be ok and filing I824 for change of consulate would take long.

    In case you wanted to know more details about my case:
    -Possess I797 from Employer A until Nov13, 2009.
    -Filed for H1b extension with Employer B in Feb, denied in Jun15. payroll with Emp B Feb onwards.
    -Re-filed for extn with Emp B in Aug4 finally approved on Oct19 but denied extn of stay.

    wallpaper Still of Johnny Depp in Public Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Johnny Depp - John Dillinger
  • Johnny Depp - John Dillinger

  • prajwal123
    05-27 04:09 PM
    Can I work with different employer without my sponsor company knowing about it? I have a EAD and I can change jobs(180 days is over). Now planning to start a company/to work on W2 with new company. I want to use the medical benefits from sponsor company(withought quitting the job).
    currently I am on Bench. so parent company not paying anything. I appreciate your responses.
    Please let me know any good immigration lawyer in Newjersey (princeton) area.


    Johnny Depp John Dillinger. New Modern Classic.
  • New Modern Classic.

  • Blog Feeds
    04-26 11:20 AM
    Tough talk from the Senate Majority Leader. Some, including my good friend Tamar Jacoby, think this is a really bad idea. I'm not so sure. I think fear of losing the Hispanic vote for a generation or more and the sudden urgency of the situation created by the Arizona fiasco could make responsible Republicans at least seek to block a filibuster and allow for a majority vote (as seems likely with financial regulatory reform). But Tamar is right that we'll get a better bill if pro-business Republicans play a role since some of the overreaching protectionist efforts of the unions...

    More... (

    2011 Johnny Depp - John Dillinger Johnny Depp John Dillinger. 100%. Johnny
  • 100%. Johnny

  • masterdude
    03-11 09:47 PM
    Sorry, I got an error so i keep on posting till i was tired.


    Johnny Depp John Dillinger. /images/sunglasses/Johnny-
  • /images/sunglasses/Johnny-

  • webm
    03-11 01:37 PM
    You have to return both I-94's while ticketing ie before exiting and while entering at POE IO will give you new I-94 based on AP as Paroled AOS pending..

    Ofcourse keep your copy of I-94 from your H1 Extension I-797 approval notice.


    Johnny Depp John Dillinger. review. Public Enemies
  • review. Public Enemies

  • Macaca
    12-11 08:23 PM
    Bush Adviser Is Seen as Force in Spending Impasse ( By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG | NY Times, Dec 11, 2007

    WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 � Ed Gillespie made a name for himself in 1994 as a sharp-tongued pitchman for the Contract With America, the conservative Republican manifesto that catapulted his boss, Dick Armey, to power. But when Republicans shut down the government in a spending clash with President Bill Clinton, Mr. Gillespie warned it was the wrong battle to pick.

    �He understands the limits of what you can expect people to buy,� Mr. Armey explained.

    Now, after a stint as Republican National Committee chairman and a lobbying career that made him a multimillionaire, Mr. Gillespie is back in government as a street fighter and salesman for conservative ideas and the politician behind them � in this case, President Bush. Once again, he is in the thick of a budget fight between the White House and Congress.

    But this time, he is driving the confrontation.

    As the clock ticks toward a Congressional recess, with Democrats struggling to wrap 11 major spending bills into one and Mr. Bush threatening to veto the huge package, Republicans see the hand of Mr. Gillespie at work. As counselor to the president, a job he took in July, Mr. Gillespie is trying to write a new narrative for Mr. Bush, one that casts him in the role of fiscal conservative, sharpening the contrast between him and Democrats while repairing his tattered image with the Republican base.

    On Mr. Gillespie�s watch, the president�s speeches have grown shorter, his language punchier. When Mr. Bush threatens to veto a �three-bill pileup� or likens Congress to �a teenager with a new credit card,� Gillespie-watchers all over Washington say they can hear the new counselor�s voice.

    �Ed believes that one of the reasons the Republicans lost is because we had lost our way on spending,� said Pete Wehner, a former policy analyst for Mr. Bush who left the White House this spring. �He worked for Dick Armey; I think he�s a small government conservative, and I think he believes Democrats and their spending habits are a target-rich environment.�

    And Democrats have provided targets, by waiting until two months into the new fiscal year to finish their appropriations work. Mr. Bush has already vetoed Democratic measures on children�s health and Iraq war spending, and a water resources bill � all the while complaining lawmakers are wasting taxpayers� money, and scolding them like errant schoolchildren who forgot to turn in their homework.

    �Listening to this, it has Ed Gillespie�s fingerprints on it,� said John Feehery, a Republican strategist. �It�s shaping the message to pick the right fights � with a smile.�

    After two decades in Washington building up contacts on both sides of the aisle, Mr. Gillespie knows well the importance of the smile.

    He also knows when he has to take the high road, and when he does not. In 2004, as party chairman, Mr. Gillespie was nicknamed Mr. Bush�s �pit bull� for his relentless attacks on Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.

    Mr. Gillespie rarely gives on-the-record interviews � he declined to talk for this article � and he is almost never seen on television. And careful listeners to Mr. Bush will note that the president paints �Congress,� and not �Democrats� as the villain � another Gillespie hallmark.

    �He�s a smart, shrewd operator,� said Representative Rahm Emanuel, the chairman of the House Democratic caucus, who was a senior adviser to Mr. Clinton during the 1995 budget fight. But while Mr. Emanuel said he has �nothing but respect for Ed,� he argued that, after seven years of runaway Republican spending, even a master strategist like Mr. Gillespie will have trouble remaking Mr. Bush�s image.

    �He�s $4 trillion too late,� Mr. Emanuel said.

    At 46, Mr. Gillespie is part of a core of newcomers who are seeing Mr. Bush through the end of his presidency as his Texas inner circle breaks up. Unlike his predecessor, Dan Bartlett, who spent his entire adult life working for Mr. Bush, Mr. Gillespie not a presidential intimate, but neither is he a stranger.

    In 2000, he was a member of the Gang of Six, a group of strategists for the Bush-Cheney campaign. That same year, he joined with Jack Quinn, a former White House counsel to Mr. Clinton, to found Quinn Gillespie & Associates, his lobbying firm. He earned a reported $4.75 million when he sold his share of the firm to join the White House, but he could easily pass through Washington�s revolving door yet again, earning even more after Mr. Bush leaves office.

    Mr. Gillespie�s critics say he traded on his contacts to get rich. �He�s so entwined with the Bush money machine,� said Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen, a watchdog group.

    But his admirers say he has not forgotten his roots. His father, an Irish immigrant, ran a mom-and-pop grocery store and later a bar in their hometown, Browns Mills, N.J. Mr. Gillespie spent his college years serving drinks and sweeping floors � experiences that, friends say, shape his work in the White House.

    Mr. Gillespie has been deeply involved in Mr. Bush�s so-called �kitchen table agenda,� of issues like consumer safety and rising mortgage rates.

    �Ed�s got a pulse on what average Americans think about,� said David Hobbs, a Republican lobbyist and a Gillespie friend.

    The week before Mr. Gillespie officially took over as counselor, Mr. Bush�s immigration bill collapsed on Capitol Hill � and with it, any real hope of bipartisan cooperation. One senior White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Mr. Gillespie wasted little time.

    �It went down in defeat, and he was moving on to the next thing,� this official said. �The next thing was Iraq and the budget.�

    On Iraq, Mr. Gillespie took advantage of the Congressional recess in August to schedule a series of presidential speeches. At the time, Republicans like Senators Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico and Richard G. Lugar of Indiana were expressing deep misgivings about the war, so much so that even some White House officials thought they would lose Republican support in September. But in the end, Republicans stuck with Mr. Bush.

    On the budget, Mr. Gillespie looked back to the Republican defeat of 1995. �We saw how Clinton did it, using the power of the presidency,�� Mr. Hobbs said.

    Mr. Armey said Mr. Gillespie had argued that his party would lose because the public believed Republicans were antigovernment, �so therefore it is credible to argue Republicans shut government down.�

    He said Mr. Gillespie�s strategy was to �understand the public�s already conceived disposition,� and create a story line around it.

    That strategy was on full display in the Rose Garden last week, as Mr. Bush tapped into another preconceived notion, that lawmakers are lazy. The president opened his remarks by tweaking Democrats on the 30-second pro forma sessions they held to prevent him from making recess appointments over the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

    �If 30 seconds is a full day,� Mr. Bush said, �no wonder Congress has got a lot of work to do.�

    It was positively Gillespie-esque.


    Johnny Depp John Dillinger. 1 John Dillinger in Michael
  • 1 John Dillinger in Michael

  • sansari
    03-04 08:07 PM
    My first H1 was from "Company A" back in 2001. Company A also sponsored me for my green card. In 2005 I transferred my H1 to Company B, however my green card was still sponsored with Company A. I have an approved I-140 and I am waiting on my PD to become current. My H1 is suppose to get renew in August of 2007, which will be through Company B.

    I have heard that after 6 years renewal, your current H1 company should have sponsored you for green card in order to get the 7th year H1. And as you can see in my case that my previous company has sponsored me for my
    H1 and not my current company.

    Can someone put some light on this issue.



    2010 New Modern Classic. Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Johnny Depp - Public Enemies
  • Johnny Depp - Public Enemies

  • vallabhu
    04-10 09:34 PM


    Johnny Depp John Dillinger. John Dillinger (Johnny
  • John Dillinger (Johnny

  • arnab221
    06-26 01:02 PM
    bumping up

    hair 100%. Johnny Johnny Depp John Dillinger. of Story Content. Johnny
  • of Story Content. Johnny

  • filipe707
    03-18 06:52 PM
    I have received an email from USCIS that

    Current Status: Approval notice sent
    "On XXXXXX, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service."

    This is the case regarding the application for my brother\sister. However, it's more than 10 days and I have not received the letter yet.

    Called customer service and they said to wait 30 days.

    Also, the processing time showing is March, 1999. I am bit confused what shall I do now. any suggestion or help would be appreciated.



    Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Original Johnny Depp
  • Original Johnny Depp

  • Blog Feeds
    03-12 08:40 PM
    USCIS has issued a memorandum to Chileans in the US letting them know that various measures are in place to assist some who may face immigration obstacles due to the massive earthquake in their country: The grant of an application for change or extension of nonimmigrant status on behalf of a Chilean national who is currently in the United States, even in cases where the request is submitted after the individual�s authorized period of admission has expired; Re-parole of individuals granted parole by USCIS; Extension of certain grants of advance parole, expedited processing of advance parole requests; Expedited adjudication and...

    More... (

    hot /images/sunglasses/Johnny- Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Pictures of Johnny Depp as
  • Pictures of Johnny Depp as

  • Blog Feeds
    08-27 12:00 PM
    Most of you have probably heard that Senator Ted Kennedy died earlier this morning. Kennedy, known as the Lion of the Senate, left a legacy in many areas of public policy. Almost from the beginning of his tenure, immigration was one of his passions. He was the sponsor of the 1965 Immigration Act which did away with an antiquated quota system that largely favored Western Europeans. And he helped to craft every major piece of immigration legislation over the last forty years. Sadly, Kennedy did not live to see passage of immigration reform legislation he campaigned for over the last...

    More... (


    house Johnny Depp on T4 Johnny Depp John Dillinger. film de Johnny Depp dont
  • film de Johnny Depp dont

  • Blog Feeds
    02-23 09:00 AM
    I must be becoming more wizened than wise at this stage of my legal career to judge a bill by its title. But the label of the proposal to be introduced this week by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R. Utah) lulled me into a state of na�ve credulity. It seemed like a refreshing change from the usual stew of comprehensive immigration reform proposals in which a path to legal status for the undocumented tends to grab most of the headlines. The first part of the title to Hatch's bill seemed as if, finally, reforms of the legal immigration system will be...

    More... (

    tattoo review. Public Enemies Johnny Depp John Dillinger. John Dillinger and Johnny Depp
  • John Dillinger and Johnny Depp

  • roseball
    08-19 08:55 AM
    1. When I apply for a new H1B after 1 year break, does the H1B comes under the quota or will it be considered on previously held H1B quota.

    It will be counted in the quota

    2. How sure about getting approval of H1B.

    Well, if you have a job offer for which you qualify and all relevant supporting documents, I dont see why you wont get the approval.


    pictures 1 John Dillinger in Michael Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Johnny Depp as John Dillinger
  • Johnny Depp as John Dillinger

  • ramaonline
    07-12 09:51 PM

    dresses Pictures of Johnny Depp as Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Maybe it was just Depp#39;s
  • Maybe it was just Depp#39;s

  • kirupa
    08-16 05:04 AM
    Looks real cool upuaut8 =)


    makeup John Dillinger (Johnny Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Johnny Depp on T4
  • Johnny Depp on T4

  • div_bell_2003
    07-07 06:40 PM
    You are only counted against the quota once for a 6 year period , so I believe, she won't come under the quota , although it's getting harder to get H1B extensions every day

    girlfriend John Dillinger and Johnny Depp Johnny Depp John Dillinger. namely, John Dillinger
  • namely, John Dillinger

  • hopesoon
    06-01 10:45 AM
    I have a Masters Degree in the US and the 5 yr experience required for the EB2 also the position requires it; however my lawyer made a mistake and asked for an EB3.
    I already received my I-140 and my I-485 was filed at the same time.

    What can I do to change to EB2?

    Thanks a lot for your answer,

    hairstyles Original Johnny Depp Johnny Depp John Dillinger. Johnny Depp
  • Johnny Depp

  • smsthss
    08-10 10:06 PM
    Hi all,
    I received an I-485 RFE for me and my spouse on July 28th. For the primary applicant it was Employment verification letter (currently dated letter from employer describing duties,position and salary info) and for my wife it was about proof of bonafide marriage.

    My attorney replied to RFE on Aug 6th with necessary evidence and EVL.

    Online status for both of us changed today Aug 10th from RFE SENT to RESPONSE TO RFE RECEIVED AND CASE PROCESSING RESUMED.

    Hope this info is helpful in estimating time for people in similar situations.

    PD DEC 04 EB3 I . Whats next ??

    03-30 11:00 PM
    My auntie is a USA Green Card holder

    her re-entry permit expired while she was out of the great usa

    what will happen now?

    Is it problematic for her to re apply for a new re entry permit?


    06-05 12:49 AM
    My I140 was filed 10/01/2007 and it got approved Jun 4th,2008 I think the processing dates are little misleading.

    The details in my signature belong to my wife's petitions.

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