Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • adde72
    07-05 11:35 PM
    Dugg! and posted a comment...
    Please also digg comments.

    Dugg and posted comment ... this is great chance for US ( legal immigrants ) to solve our issues ...please participate activly ....I can see the light

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  • priti8888
    07-23 06:30 PM
    This is aboslutly not possible; he/she is trying to fool every one. Before retrogression, the last date to file a 485 for a EB3-Indian with PD 08/2004 was 12/31/2004. From Jan 2005 till July 2007 EB3 Inida was retrogressed for his PD. So he/she could not apply 485 in Feb 2005. The other optins could be he/she may be in EB2 catagory or a Schulde A nurse.

    I was in similar time frame; So I know the date well....

    correction..I got the EAD in Feb 05, My RD is Dec 04.

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  • amsgc
    06-24 07:44 PM
    I agree with those who say that giving green cards to the three hundred thousand wannabe immigrants will not turn the economy around tomorrow, and perhaps in the short period there doesn't seem to be an apparant advantage. After all, these are the cash cows that are milked everyday by way of taxes and the ever increasing USCIS fees.

    However, it is important to consider the larger picture with a view on the next few years. Even if a few thousand people go and buy a house, it will make a difference to the local community, however small it may be. If a few thousand people are able to start their own business, it will lead to the creation of a few more thousand jobs, which is still better than the current number - zero. Even if a few thousand decide to get a higher education, or get promoted, America will be richer in the quality of its people by those many, however small that number may be. And I bet thousands of those high skilled immigrants will demand a higher salary which which will not only level the playing field, but also result in higher pay. And need I mention the effect of higher salaries on the propensity to consume?

    I haven't even gotten into the social advantages of having a home where both parents are able to think and work freely, and the effect that has on the upbringing of their children (more than likely US citizens).

    Now, what does it really cost the US govt./America to give out the green card? As far as the issue of social security is concerned, these wannabes will be eligible anyway after 10 years, whether they have a green card or not. The USCIS fees for renewal is a about a $1000 per year, which pales in comparison to the the new car that I will buy :) What else, lawyer fees? People are worried about lawyers being displaced! You got to be kidding - immigration law is not the only kind of law practiced in this part of the world. I would be worried more for them if Americans decided not to get divorced.

    So, my question is:
    Do the costs of giving out green cards to high skilled professionals really outweigh some the benefits mentioned above?

    I don't see any good arguments for not giving out a green card sooner than later. And if there aren't any tangible benefits in keeping three hundred thousand people in limbo, then America is losing out on the advantages it will have by making them permanent residents.

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  • GC_sufferer
    07-06 08:53 AM
    Looks like she changed the Article title in NYT.

    The initial one is "Agency Mix-Up Denies Applicants Green Cards", and now "Suit Planned Over Visas for the Highly Skilled".


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  • Jitamitra
    09-09 03:54 PM
    My contribution of $100.

    Order Details - Sep 9, 2007 16:17 GMT-04:00
    Google Order #505491856061236

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  • 485Mbe4001
    06-11 01:48 PM
    i wanted to aviod posting this, but please include a bit of realism in your optimism. Full disclosure: i am EB 3-I

    We had a discussion on our chapter here is the extract of the email that i sent based on a couple of similar comments from fellow members.

    After talking to a few of the fellow members, i feel that one the main causes for inaction is that folks who have applied under EB 2 India feel that the spillover from ROW EB 2/1 and India EB1 will be sufficient to get them their GC's in 2 years tops. EAD/AP for two years is no big deal. There is no urgency to get things done or the motivation to step up to the plate and make a few calls. If that is the case, then chances are that you are mistaken.

    a) we have no estimate of the per country breakdown of pending applications.
    b) we have no idea how many EB2 India applied in July 07
    c) we dont know the number of multiple applicants who have EB2 and EB3 applications pending (spouse and self).
    d) We have no indication of the 300k applications who were stuck in namecheck and are now eligible for approval. Namecheck victims were from all countries (you can see that ROW EB 3 is U)
    This affects ROW as well as the retrogressed countries as the per country quota is still fixed.

    We cannot wish this mess away. Making a few phone calls at lunch should not be a big deal.

    I am Not sure everybody follows Federal Reserve revising short-term rates by every month and Financal analyst were trying to understand language(tone) of Bulletin. And Looking at tone of VISA Bulletin for July 2008 and historical Bulletins EB2 for India is very encouraging till we see the language next month for India.

    There have been questions raised regarding the way numbers have been provided to the China and India in the Employment Second preference categories beginning in April. Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act .....


    All Employment Preference categories except for Third “Other Workers” have been made “Current” for July. This has been done in an effort to generate increased demand by Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) for adjustment of status cases, and to maximize number use under the annual numerical limit. However, all readers should be alert to the possibility that not all Employment preferences will remain Current for the remainder of the fiscal year. Should the rate of demand for numbers be very heavy in the coming months, it could become necessary to retrogress some cut-off dates for September, most likely for China-mainland born and India, but also possibly for Mexico and Philippines. Severe cut-off date retrogressions are likely to occur early in FY-2008.


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  • Libra
    09-11 01:51 PM
    niraj1207, nat23, hemkant thank you all fo ryour contributions. hope you guys can make it to rally in DC.

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  • desixp
    09-10 11:36 AM
    Just now contributed $100.
    Google Order #616922884201935


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  • MDix
    03-10 11:23 AM
    This is turning out to be TRUE.

    Past week, I made this comment and some people made fun of it. But, it's turning out to be true. They are now fully focusing on EB3 and I think they will continue to do untill they finish all Eb3. Once they reached last quarter then they will make EB2-I/C current and distribute those spill-over visas across EB. They don't have to make EB3-ROW current to give some spill-over to EB3-I. What ever will be left at the end of quarter will be spilled across EB's.

    I am expecting lot of REDs on this one.


    That is not true, my lawyer who is very influential and he has some good contacts he told me that this year spill-over would be different form last year. I was stupid so didn’t believe him about July 2007, and paying it for now for not having EAD.

    I know this is hard to believe especially if something comes from lawyer.


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  • ashutrip
    06-20 10:21 AM
    My employer is a big wall street investment bank, and they have filed my PERM on May 14th.

    The trend for PERM certification at Atlanta, as per my employer is between 90-120 days. Because they handled so many PERM cases at Atlanta, they know this trend.

    Nothing muck we can do here. Just pray and hope for the best.

    enough of america....:mad: :mad: :mad: I am moving to UAE.....two hrs journey to goa Income Tax:p :p :)


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  • p1234
    09-14 06:11 PM
    july 07 filer yes.. but I have a PD of mid 2004... How in the name of almighty is that out of turn?

    but you are too stupid anyway
    so go home now..... and please don'y forget to pickup meds for your gonorrhea form csv pharmacy :D:D:D

    Don't want to stoop to your levels, Mr. Phd!
    Point your dirty fingers at July 07 EB2 first, with PDs of 2005 and later, nowhere close to being current in June 07 but suddenly became current in July 07.

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  • chocolate
    06-05 08:44 AM
    Till the new bill becomes law you'll be ok.

    Those of you who got LC approved recently, did you apply to Chicago or Atlanta?
    Thanks for the input. My labor was stuck in BEC. It was approved last september . I sent all the documents to my employer to file 140/485/ead/ap.He is still going back and forth on filing. MY h1extension got an rfe and he wants to wait for it to get approved and then file. I hope i wont retire before that. I am only 28 yrs short of that.When will we know the decision to the bill. I hope it passes so that he files my next stages.Can i file it with my h1 extension application pending.


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  • chanduv23
    06-07 07:47 AM
    Just contributed 100 USD. I know the money will go far and also that IV needs more money to get us where we want to be. Come on people, lets do it.

    100 USD will buy you freedom.

    You are now a super hero.

    Come on heros, you can all do it. IV == "I" and "we" all together united.

    United - we can all do it.

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  • akhilmahajan
    07-15 08:46 PM
    Total So far 1660.00. We are Well short of our target of 2000.00. Let's Go Guys. $5 to IV = Hope for GC = Subway FootLong Sub.



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  • Green.Tech
    06-02 04:46 PM
    Wake up people!

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  • vayumahesh
    01-10 11:36 AM
    Finally a happy ending to my green card journey. Received our cards on Saturday. Thank You IV and I wish all the best for everyone.


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    04-17 09:58 AM
    HSBC denied my refinance application because of EAD status. They said EAD is not one of the statuses they accept. They needed either H1B or GC status. I lost my $325 rate locking fee, not sure what else my real estate attorney is going to charge me because of this denial. I am in the process of talking to other banks.

    Hope this helps someone not to loose money.

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  • leoindiano
    09-11 01:55 PM
    Paypal Confirmation Number: 7R258466SC5551342.

    Just contributed another 100. Notified some freinds about the drive as well.

    now or never GC.
    I am going to DC.

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  • shukla77
    06-11 01:14 PM
    Wow ... Although I am not in consulting business so dont know all the fundas, but what seems interesting to me is "making 100K from 100~200K from active trading and investing in other areas". So I can make 50K if I have 50-100K to invest. Pretty hefty returns :D.. I wish we could chat over the lunch or something

    It is not a big deal dude...if not for this immigration system, we could be making even more..think about $80-$100/hr if you are an independent contractor. This a minimum for a decent contract with vendor directly.
    And if you have ~100-200K for investments, with some experience and any could be making another 100K out of it from trading and active investing in other areas. That comes to ~250-300K minimum. There are no bounds when life is free and in this great country. Unfortunately, things have turned discriminative and our potentials are being restricted(atleast for non-EAD guys) and you have to be prepared for getting outright kicked out of this country.

    07-06 10:04 AM
    Hello Julia,

    Thank you very much for your excellent coverage of this issue. Tens of thousands of legal immigrants were affected by this decision, and at least hundreds of dollars wasted by every applicant. The loss of opportunity because of this abrupt door-shutting act is of course much more, but we demand that at least these monetary damages are taken note of, and paid for. Ideally, the government agencies that slammed the door on us should accept our applications, and thereby keep the promise they made to us on June 13, 2007.
    If you need more information on how this event has affected me and my fellow prospective legal immigrants, please visit, a non profit organization that is working for the rights of prospective legal immigrants to the USA.

    07-19 02:07 PM
    Since both A and B were current at the time of AOS approval. Person with earlier RD will take precedence. however if the cut off date were April 2003, person B will get the visa.

    Not necessarily. Here is a hypothetical scenario:

    PersonA = PD of May 30th, 2003 and RD of June 15th, 2007.
    Assume that an additional 150,000 I-485 applications were filed petween PersonA and PersonB
    PersonB = PD of May 15, 2002 and RD of July 15th 2007.

    USCIS starts pre-adjudicating cases based on Receipt date. Assume that by October 1, 2007, they have pre-adjudicated PersonA plus 9,000 of the 150,000 applications and haven't reached PersonB's application yet (they go by RD).

    Assuming that the visa cutoff date in Oct, 2007 bulletin is June, 2003 making both PersonA and personB current:
    PersonA (PD of 2003) will get a visa number and get the case approved while PersonB (PD of 2002) with an older priority date will have to wait a while because his case hasn't been touched by USCIS yet due to the additional 150,000 filings in between that have to be pre-adjudicated first based on RD even if they have 2004/2005/2006/2007 priority dates!!

    You forgot that there were another 150,000 applications in this example with RD prior to PersonB and it is very likely that many of them could have the PD of April, 2003. Therefore, PersonB will still not get it even though he/she has an older Priority date!!

    I think that after this stampede of application filings in June/July/August, USCIS needs to sort them by PD first otherwise people with older priority dates will suffer simply due to the volume of applications filed!!

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