Sunday, June 26, 2011

missing you poems for her

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  • i love you and miss you poems.

  • pamposh
    07-11 01:18 PM
    I do not get it either. They seem to have this very complex formula to determine where to move the cutoff dates or they simply roll a dice. Is there no transperancy. Sometimes I figure I should just not be bothered. It is black box!!. But I can really not do that!. Atleast we are participating actively in the call campaigns. But is that all we can do?
    EB3- June 2003, India

    Don't worry be happy... atleast for a day. Coz I don't think it is going to last for very long. It is an Aug 08 fiasco instead of July 07 and this time they are being a lil reserved and not making the dates all the way current. Ofcourse there would be some lucky draws who get their GCs, we will have to wait and watch coz thatz all we (most of us) can do at this point.

    Guess what, they are all celebrating my Birthday and that is why.


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  • insbaby
    07-21 11:18 AM
    Well, if you do the direct calculations (eventhough it looks correct for most of us), it always results scary.

    But that does not happen always. A Government Agency decided to accept that many applications in a month window, defintely it would not have been decided in a lunch or dinner meeting.

    They should have known their limitations and how to handle the situation. If there are 20K 485 applications sitting at the storage, it would not create much problems. But it creates so much administration issues if the number is 600K applications.

    One major issue is, every year they are going to receive 600K EAD renewals. They will never get time to work on 485, but life long working on renewing this EAD's and no more further GC processing.

    So, its not going to be the case. Now they have money, even if it takes first year some more months, they may go for hiring more contracters OR spliting the applications across different centers processing them.

    Its a big administration issue to the agency to keep all the applications pending than us.

    So, no worries. There must be a solution ahead for us.

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  • 2010 love poems for her. sweet

  • vayumahesh
    11-08 09:33 AM
    Did you get your I-140 receipt? What is the online status?
    My company would not provide me with I-140 receipt or approval notice. They would just inform me of the status.

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  • I miss you.

  • go_guy123
    08-13 01:08 AM
    It would have been amazing if senator added 10K for each recaptured EB VISA. That would have given 1B dollars for the border security(If only senator wanted to help the so called product developing H1Bs).

    You need to live in can be 10K for GC application to pay for more patrols on the mexican border but no recapture....


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  • yoda
    09-13 08:30 AM
    Sent emails to the largest newspapers in NH:
    Union Leader
    Nashua Telegraph

    Radio Station:
    NHPR (NH Public Radio)

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  • missing you poems for her. im

  • ssa
    09-10 04:33 PM
    USCIS currently has no accountability at all. Nor do they seem to have any clue about how many cases they have in the queue. Just see EB2-I dates for all the 12 VBs for the 2008 fiscal year: It started at 1 APR 2004 then retrogressed back steadily till it eventually became "U" just to jump back to 1 Aug 2006 for the last 3 months! Now after one whole year of processing and approving some 20-30K green cards for EB2-I it is starting at 1 APR 2003, a full year back from where it began last year!! Meanwhile they have handed out thousands of green cards to PDs in 2006 when the rule clearly states they have to clear older PDs first! Care to explain, USCIS?

    I know people are sending out mails and DHS-7001 forms on their own but these individual scatter-shot attempts will all vanish in a big black abyss of USCIS bureaucracy and fall on deaf years. Only chance to instill some sense in this adhoc process seems to be if IV as a whole organization takes up this matter with Ombudsman and influential congressmen/senators like Zoe lofgren. IV had been very influential in redressing excesses by USCIS in the past - turing back July 2007 fiasco was no mean feat! Can we have some IV action item from core for this?

    I'm afraid unless we do something about it as a group there is absolutely nothing to prevent USCIS from doing the same outrageous thing year after year with little fear of any retribution. We will all be practically at complete USCIS mercy!

    Finally, I'm nothing but happy for those who got their GCs in this last round of "Lotto drawing" - including those with PD much later than mine - but the prospect of being stuck in a black hole called USCIS year after year scares the hell out of me!


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  • missing you poems for her.

  • new_horizon
    03-06 11:36 AM
    There was a change in LUD for both me and my wife on 3/4/09. Then on my wife's, there were LUD ON 3/5 & now 3/6/09 also. When I open the Case Number, it shows the usual information "Current Status: Case received and pending". Any idea what this could mean. Thanks.

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  • I Miss You Poems For Him. we

  • arnab221
    07-28 01:30 PM
    Folks ,

    Any approvals for the month of June ? Is there any hope for June filers ? There seems to lot of approvals since last 2 weeks folks . Can IV core provide some direction and guidance to the people stuck at Atlanta service center ?


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  • Here is a touching poem by her

  • hopefulgc
    09-12 11:41 AM
    can we put up forum threads here for state chapters or some kind of direct link or page for each individual state chapter
    Doing state chapters through list servs is just not working out.

    In my opinion

    (1) Community must unite
    (2) People must come out of anonymity by providing true information
    (3) People must walk the talk - just not open threads and keep discussing
    (4) Efforts must be well organized - IV is a great organization - we have state chapters where people can organize themselves - helps us all to do things more effectively

    The biggest issue is - everyone come here and open threads but it alll stops there - people join state chapters but do nothing - just want to get updates - and always blame IV for whatever happens and question IV and want to grill IV as to what IV is doing.

    Can we all get organized?

    Sanjeev - I am sorry I am digressing from the original plan of this thread - but lets face reality - what is the use of all these tangential efforts - you may get hundreds of replies on this thread - but is there a proper directive? No one knows what to do it all starts and ends in discussion and waste of valuble time doing nothing.

    I would rather recommend
    (1) Lets get organized
    (2) Give out proper information
    (3) Pledge wholehearted support
    (4) Be committed
    (5) Join a state chapter
    (6) Expand the community
    (7) Work hard
    (8) gather support
    (9) take initiatives to lead - support will follow
    (10) Do not waste time on unnecessary predictions, discussing waste, roumors etc...
    (11) Understand the effort - lobbying - understand that IV needs a lot of money for lobbying - please contribute - please raise funds

    Is everyone ready to do the above?

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  • images love you poems for him.

  • arnab221
    07-28 05:08 PM
    bump bump .....


    missing you poems for her. i miss you poems for him.
  • i miss you poems for him.

  • pappu
    07-11 11:34 AM
    EB2 benefited from EB1 spillover once this bucket is full - I'm sure EB3 will move a great deal.

    Another reason could also be EB2ROW spillover.

    It is unfortunate for EB3 folks that their dates are not moving.

    Let us wait for the official DOS bulletin and see what reasons they give to advance the dates significantly. Else IV can contact DOS to know how these projections were made.

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  • agc2005
    07-15 09:25 AM
    Mailed my little contribution $10.



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  • missing you poems for her. i

  • seekerofpeace
    07-18 04:21 PM
    I have a question.
    If I485 is considered for adjudication only if the PD is current. Then why are we all filing in a hurry since everything will retrogressed by Aug 1st and the RD may take 1.5 to 3 months to come when surely everything will be retrogressed. Does that mean in that situation even EADs and APs will stop.

    My wife is on F1 and I am on EB2 (Jul 04), I am worried about her status. My lawyer said she can still continue as a student and that it is a grey area the school never comes to know that she is in transition...once she gets EAD ofcourse everything becomes fine.....But in the current situation that seems a distant possibility to get a RD let alone EADs. So should I just file for myself and let her stay as F1.

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  • 2011 i miss you poems for her

  • vikki76
    07-06 01:54 AM
    Thanks!. There were some skeptics on IV Forums who didn't believe that USCIS worked over weekend to approve 25,000 visas. :mad: Some people genuinely believed that USCIS made a clerical error in calculating visa number or some other nonsense excuse. Those who don't believe that this indeed is a scandal,should read Logiclife's excellent analysis on June 29th where he explains -how retrogression is NOT possible.
    When we believe how it was not possible, and suddenly it did happen-of course things get clear.


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  • missing you poems for him. i

  • purgan
    08-17 11:29 PM

    i support your efforts and have printed out and sent letters to the people mentioned. Momentum for release of information should build up even if we have 50-100 letters from affected people...otherwise people won't know of EB-3 IND's plight.

    I suppose we should followup with phone calls in 15 days to cement our request. We should have a poll on who all has sent the letter and made the call.

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  • i miss you poems for him.

  • Libra
    09-10 04:46 PM
    thanks for contribution.

    contribute $100 - Google Order #466330497623100


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  • snathan
    02-13 10:43 PM
    So Mr Nathan, email me when you have contributed more than $500

    I dont deal with junks...when you are so mean to spend a penny for your parents, every one knows how much you would have contributed for IV.

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  • chisinau
    07-30 01:13 AM
    Sens. Schumer and Hutchison have offered the Bridge amendment. The amendment has been withdrawn but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is permanently withdrawn. According to It has a chanse to pass in September, just after the summer recess.
    I believe all our efforts should be concentraited on this legislation!
    Core Team, we badly need your advise, how can we help, what should we do in order to lobby this ammendment? It might be difficult because the majority of Schedule A professionals are still outside the US..... There in US we have only our lawers, who seems to me are not willing or can help us.

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  • govindk
    07-11 08:15 AM
    it is really a good news for EB2-I :)

    09-11 05:06 PM
    I honestly think EB3 should be around beginning of 2004 or later
    and eb2 possibly mid 2005 or later.

    All the calculations point to that.

    visa bulletins suck donkey ass.

    totally meaningless without USCIS divulging backlog stats.

    I m in ...They really dont know what they are doing ...How hard is it to find pending applications in thier database ?

    Move to 2006 and approve 2006 cases and move it back to 2003 they really need help

    07-11 02:12 PM
    Just out of curiosity, what's stopping you from doing some of these things now? You probably cannot spend 3 months with your family in India and Dubai or go to culinary school full-time but you can definitely do all the rest while on H-1B/AOS.

    - that's all and thanks for pointing it out :)

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