Sunday, June 26, 2011

randy orton wallpapers

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  • digital2k
    05-03 07:58 PM
    This is The call
    Don't miss the chance

    IV and We suceeded in July, 2 Year EAD and many more ...

    Pls pick up the phone and do your bit

    IV is YOU and is Your Best Friend

    As the CIR bill outline is getting introduced today, we all need to do our share in making our voice heard. Our issues are real and affect about a million people patiently waiting in line for past several years. We are high-skilled immigrants who have followed all the rules and contribute significantly to the innovation and economy of this county. Our strength is our grassroots efforts, so let us all call our lawmakers and ask them to take immediate action on the immigration bill.

    Call your Legislators:

    Immigration Voice is organizing a nationwide call-the-lawmakers drive. We request members to call each and every senator and congress member. This drive will precede the �Advocacy Day(s)� in Washington, DC and �Meet the lawmaker� drive in local districts. Members can use this phone call conversation with their local lawmaker offices to follow-up with lawmakers when they meet during the break just after the Memorial day.

    Don�t miss this opportunity:

    This is the perfect time to call the lawmakers. The bill needs a push via support from people like us and all lawmakers needs to be encouraged and urged to help us. There are indications that there will be lot of activity on immigration issues in both House and Senate after the Memorial day. We need to make those activities go in our favor and not die like the CIR bill in 2006 & 2007. Thus it is important to starting calling lawmakers, starting from the Senate members. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, it is very important that everyone calls every lawmaker of this country. The similar next opportunity will be in 2013. We can participate now or we will all have ourselves to blame.

    This campaign starts today at 4:00 PM EST on 29th April, 2010) (Today) and will run until the end of next week. All IV members are encouraged to make multiple phone calls whenever they find some time during the day.


    This is the order in which we would prefer that members call. Call all the senators listed here, even if they are not from your state.

    This is the list of offices where there is maximum potential to swing votes either because they are new in the US senate or because they may be reconsidering their position on CIR if the bill has stricter provisions in it.


    Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)
    (202) 224-4543 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************(202) 224-4543******end_of_the_skype_highlighting

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire)
    (202) 224-3324

    Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
    (202) 224-4814

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming)
    (202) 224-3424

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
    (202) 224-5972

    Senator John Ensign (R-Nevada)
    (202) 224-6244

    Senator Orin Hatch (R-Utah)
    (202) 224-5251

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-2934

    Senator John Kyl (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-4521

    Senator Mitch Mcconnell (R-Kentuky)
    (202) 224-2541

    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota)
    (202) 224-3244

    Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)
    (202) 224-6154

    Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana)
    (202) 224-2644

    Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia)
    (202) 224-4024

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)
    (202) 224-2921

    What you could say to the Senator offices listed above:

    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:

    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bill due to be introduced later in the day today.

    I am calling to express my support for the high skilled provisions to resolve the current green card backlogs of the doctors, engineers, research scientist and professors etc. This group of highly skilled immigrants stimulates every part of the economy participating in creating economic prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship for creating more jobs in America.

    I strongly urge the Senator to please support this bill. If it is possible, could you please share the position of the Senator on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill?

    Thank you and I am counting on the Senator�s support for this very important bill of national priority. Please convey regards to the Senator.
    If you belong to the constituency (State) of the lawmaker, then tell them that you belong to their district/state and are calling to seek their help. If you are talking to a Senator office then tell them you are anxiously waiting for a Senators support for the immigration bill.

    - Then ask: What is the lawmaker�s position on this bill/issue for you? If the position is
    - Supportive: Then thank the lawmaker office for it.

    - If they oppose it: Then request them to support the high skilled green card provisions of the bill that will greatly help you. You sincerely hope that the lawmaker will reconsider his/her position and help you.

    - Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Question What if some Senators say they do not support amnesty. -

    Answer "For last 10 years there has been no High-skilled immigration bill passed by the Congress. The world has changed in last 10 years. I understand that the Senator is a champion for creating more jobs in America. Employment based green cards will create jobs in America. I want to start my own company and hire people in America. But I cannot do that if I don't have a green card.

    I would sincerely request you to please convey to the Senator if he would consider supporting some version of the immigration bill
    giving more weight to green cards and creating jobs in America, or maybe the Senator could lead the effort for improving the proposal"


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada)
    (202) 224-3542

    Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois)
    (202) 224-2152

    Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
    (202) 224-6542

    Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
    (202) 224-4242

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (California)
    (202) 224-3841

    Senator Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
    (202) 224-4744

    Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)
    (202) 224-4524


    When you call:
    Be courteous. Tell the lawmaker office that:
    I am a high skilled immigrant and a member of Immigration Voice. I fully support the proposed comprehensive immigration reform bill due to be introduced later in the day today.

    Thank you for the Senator�s leadership on this very important issue of immigration. Please convey my gratitude, full support and regards to the Senator.

    - Be polite and persuasive in your message.

    Stick to the message and you will really make a big difference.

    Please post the outcome of your call on this thread. For more information please contact IV.

    Thank You,

    Immigration Voice

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  • desi3933
    07-06 03:03 PM
    I checked 2007 return and it has only 100K asset. I am not sure we accumulated 350K since then. I think you got confused with revenue vs. cash on hand / asset.

    >> I checked 2007 return and it has only 100K asset.
    It is 165k. But, still, 450k for current asset value seems high.


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  • RandyOrtonWallpaper.jpg

  • vayumahesh
    12-03 07:58 AM
    Congrats 9Years. What a big relief ...... Right !!! Finally DONE. I am waiting for the same moment .....

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  • Randy-orton-mobile-wallpaper

  • logiclife
    04-26 04:46 PM
    My H1 extension is under process. I had applied in Dec 2006. My DL expires on May 6. Is it possible to renew my license with the H1 extension receipt?. Is it possible to do Premium Processing now?

    Pending H1 transfer/extension petitions can be upgraded to premium processing by sending another form (for upgrade to premium) and the premium fee of $1000.

    Some states accept H1 extension filing receipt notice. Other states dont. Depends on the state regulation and state laws. You should check with your DMV / DPS of New Jersey and ask them before you make decision to upgrade your H1 petition to premium. Maybe they will renew your DL with check before you spend that money.


    randy orton wallpapers. Posted in Randy Orton
  • Posted in Randy Orton

  • priti8888
    07-23 03:12 PM
    Guys, We just got the magic e-mail.!!
    Card Production ordered
    PD AUG 2004
    RD DEC 2004
    EB3 INDIA :) :) :)

    thx everyone for your help and suppport!!

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  • Orton WWE PSP Wallpaper

  • jonty_11
    07-06 02:19 PM
    The USCIS automated line for Priority dates is still playing the PD's for June 2007 showing that EB-3 India cut off June 1st 2003 etc..

    We have so contrasting images of the efficiency of USCIS. Hope they keep the same tempo as of the last week of June on Oct 1st when the FY 2008 quota kicks in.
    Man you wish too much....

    they will never make numbers current in Oct 07...even if they are...esp after this lawsuit...


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  • randy orton wallpaper

  • vandanaverdia
    09-12 09:49 PM
    Looks like you will soon cross My 350 Contribution ;)

    I pledge 100$ more once Milind123 crosses 400 !!:D
    Any Takers !!!

    thats the Least we non attending :( :(
    folks can do

    Great... we need your support!!!!

    2010 RandyOrtonWallpaper.jpg randy orton wallpapers. Wallpaper of Randy Orton
  • Wallpaper of Randy Orton

  • hopefullegalimmigrant
    12-28 12:15 PM
    According to this

    many of us should have got AP by now. As usual a status does not match the fact.


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  • randy-orton-wallpaper-7

  • samy
    03-13 12:10 PM
    No LUDs. I had not checked my case status in the last 4 months and then I just received this email.

    These kind of guys are joking. I saw many such posts before. They post and then wont answer subsequent questions. Just make fool of people.

    EB3 _india is dead meat. It will take 5 years even for Jan 2002 PD. Forget about GC and enjoy your life. It just is not worth talking about it.

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  • Randy “The Viper” Orton

  • tdasara
    07-05 11:17 PM
    Can anyone post the email of the reporter?


    randy orton wallpapers. Wallpapers de Randy Orton.
  • Wallpapers de Randy Orton.

  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-12 10:13 PM
    I already did. I just dont like this DONOR based thread idea. for reasons already stated.

    Why reddog is not marked as "Donor" yet?

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  • Randy orton Wallpaper Image

  • unseenguy
    02-09 10:31 PM
    Well. Your parents and in laws may not need your money. But defintely IV needs it. So contribute at

    I will. Thanks for rounding up.


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  • chanduv23
    06-07 07:47 AM
    Just contributed 100 USD. I know the money will go far and also that IV needs more money to get us where we want to be. Come on people, lets do it.

    100 USD will buy you freedom.

    You are now a super hero.

    Come on heros, you can all do it. IV == "I" and "we" all together united.

    United - we can all do it.

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  • WWE RAW Randy Orton Triple H

  • chocolate
    06-03 03:49 PM
    If you are eligible to file I-140/485 now then how come you are stuck?

    Remember nothing has become law yet..

    MY employer is a consulting company and i had a rfe to my h1 extension for 8th yr so he wants to wait to answer rfe , then get approval and next file for next stages. I have tried all the ways to make him file and not able to.I just hope the new labor laws will help. Acc to that he shud file for next stages in 180 days starting july 15 th right. What is this May 15 thing?Any inputs. Thanks in advance.


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  • Randy Orton Wallpaper 3 by

  • BharatPremi
    07-05 01:31 PM

    Yesterday I emailed the same to my senators (Tx)... Today I called one of the senator's office and the guy who was talking to me did not have any clue about the issue. So after explaining the issue I faxed the letter again, ofcourse to both senators office.

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  • Categories: Edge, Randy Orton,

  • Madhuri
    10-22 12:04 PM
    Mailed the letters.


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  • Randy Orton With John Cena

  • santb1975
    05-29 11:44 AM
    Let us keep this going

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  • Randy Orton

  • mirage
    03-31 04:17 PM
    I think we are getting into an unnecessary discussion. My objective of this thread was to point out to our members that when we are discussing about immigration issues in the media we should also expose the mismanagement of the USCIS. They should not get away just by saying we were not prepared for this....

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  • Randy Orton wallpaper

  • silibili
    05-11 11:01 AM
    Hello all,
    I have finished calling all the republicans from the list. here are my
    experiences. Most senator aides were patient and took down messages, i
    have listed the different ones.

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire) : does support high skilled

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming) : aide was very patient and chatted
    abt legal immigration reform and took name, number, zip , msg to pass
    to senator.

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) : went to vm twice. left vm

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) : aide not very patient. asked to call
    my state senator.

    Senator John Kyl (R-Texas) : aide was very patient, and understanding,
    and had a chat about current immigration scenario. Senator Kyl is
    supportive of legal immigration, he intro/supported one bill for us in
    2007 but it failed to pass. He said that the senate politics is not
    letting high skilled immigration reform pass. he does not support
    amnesty, he wants border secured, etc before fixing broken legal

    Please call and share your experience.

    * Contributed money to IV
    * Trying to get locals involved

    03-27 02:45 PM
    State Virginia: No 45 Day Notice yet.

    07-14 01:39 PM
    Sent for me and my wife.

    GO IV GO

    Go akhilmahajan Go!

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