Thursday, June 30, 2011

newsweek cover mitt

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  • The cover itself.

  • mbawa2574
    07-19 04:53 PM
    Immigrants don't pose any security threat as described by you. Below is a link for Citizens to watch who stole the Nuke secrets. Alleged Contractor is probably a Native born American citizen.

    So moral of story is don't accuse immigrants for everything.:D

    wallpaper The cover itself. newsweek cover mitt. Mitt Romney. Age: 62
  • Mitt Romney. Age: 62

  • chanduv23
    11-01 07:35 PM
    Those who came to the NJ meet - please post your experiences here.

    newsweek cover mitt. magazine cover mitt
  • magazine cover mitt

  • gc_bucs
    04-05 08:17 PM
    It's still too soon to answer these kinda questions..

    So what's the final word about the EB3 all categories retrogression? Will that be resolved soon? what are the chances in plain english?

    2011 Mitt Romney. Age: 62 newsweek cover mitt. makeup newsweek romney cover.
  • makeup newsweek romney cover.

  • SPAD3S
    08-19 11:36 PM
    yea not bad


    newsweek cover mitt. Photo Flash: Newsweek Cover
  • Photo Flash: Newsweek Cover

  • dpp
    07-17 09:45 PM
    Senator Durbin amending National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 H.R.1585 with "H-1B and L-1 Visa Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of 2007".

    newsweek cover mitt. Newsweek Magazine
  • Newsweek Magazine

  • shaji_p_j
    01-22 01:48 PM
    I am working on my H1B and on I-140 approved Stage. At the same time I have applied for I-485 as Derivative applicant on my wife's application and also got the Advanace Parol.
    If I use the AP (obtained based on wife's application) will my H1B got invalidated? My intention is keep my H1B and to avoid the H1B stamping.


    newsweek cover mitt. Mitt Romney, who has just
  • Mitt Romney, who has just

  • tor78
    04-25 11:33 AM
    You can show/do non-payed or volunteer work on your OPT to avoid the 90 day unemployed restriction.

    2010 magazine cover mitt newsweek cover mitt. newsweek romney cover.
  • newsweek romney cover.

  • a_yaja
    06-14 03:40 PM
    Now that the I-485 gates have been opened, I would like to know what will happen to my spouse's H1B application pending before USCIS? Since I am planning on filing for I-485 for my spouse as well, will the H1B process make a difference? Or will the H1B approval cause any issues to the I-485 application?

    Please help!


    newsweek cover mitt. GOP hopefuls Mitt Romney
  • GOP hopefuls Mitt Romney

  • Blog Feeds
    06-11 07:20 PM
    Harry Reid says he's got 60 votes to support an immigration reform bill. That's a pretty confident tone he's taking and I hope he's right. And for those of you who say that you don't have provisions in the bill helping your group - particularly employment immigration advocates - I'll remind you that the immigration reform bill is what is standing in the way of many other bills moving forward. Once it is passed, we should be back in a normal environment where other problems can be more easily addressed.

    More... (

    hair makeup newsweek romney cover. newsweek cover mitt. on the cover of Newsweek”
  • on the cover of Newsweek”

  • jsb
    09-16 03:00 PM
    Hi,I have filed H1B during August 09 priority dates became current in Sep 09 and I have filed for AOS -485 /EAD ..Should I cancel my H1B or will it automatically get canceled once I receive my EAD ?Please suggest.

    Continue working on H1B. Or, if you plan to change job use EAD. No action is required for cancelling H1B.


    newsweek cover mitt. newsweek mitt romney cover
  • newsweek mitt romney cover

  • bidhanc
    03-11 03:36 PM
    I just got back word from my lawyer saying that you shld be able to work with an expired EAD as USCIS would "backdate extensions of work authorisation" (provided of course that you have applied for the extension).
    (I have been trying to upload the pdf, but can't seem to get it.
    It's saved as a pdf on my local drive and am using the attachment icon provided, any help would be appreciated).

    I know there are have been many nays on this subject and have asked my lawyer to provide more substantial proof (any memos or publications by USCIS).

    Any comments on this?

    hot Photo Flash: Newsweek Cover newsweek cover mitt. the new issue of Newsweek.
  • the new issue of Newsweek.

  • mrajatish
    07-10 02:45 PM
    Do not do this - please stop playing around with USCIS rules. There are sometimes unfortunate circumstances where folks lose status (e.g., OPT -> H1b) or are kept in dark about their H1B status by employers but for folks who break the law in a way that you are suggesting, I believe they should be punished.


    house on the cover of Newsweek, newsweek cover mitt. Mitt Romney is Mormon,
  • Mitt Romney is Mormon,

  • bd134
    07-09 03:54 AM
    I am currently on H-1b and my wife is on H-4. My current job will be terminated on 8/15 and my wife has received H1b approval notice to start full time on 10/1. We have a US born baby who requires future post-surgery follow-ups. I was on F-1 visa, requested OPT through the university, but I didn't applied to USCIS, because I got H-1b premium processing approval. My wife has a valid H-4, and unexpired B1/B2 visa. So my questions are:

    a) Between 8/15 and 10/1, are we out of status?

    b) I should file a change of status. Should I file
    (b-1) H-1b to H-4 directly (effective 10/1)?
    (b-2) H-1b to B1/B2 (before 8/15), then B1/B2 to H-4 (effective 10/1)?
    (b-3) H-1b to F-1 (before 8/15), then F-1 to H-4 (effective 10/1)?
    (b-4) F-1 OPT with university endorsement, if they are willing to do it?

    c) Do I need to go abroad and actually get B1/B2 visa since I never got one? I think a change of status should be okay.

    Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

    tattoo Newsweek Magazine newsweek cover mitt. Newsweek Magazine Cover
  • Newsweek Magazine Cover

    11-03 12:54 PM

    I have been on H1 for the last 8 years. My most recent H1B was expiring in July 09 and my company had filed for an extension in June. Unfortunately, there was an RFE. When going through the RFE response, our attorney identified another mistake in the petition and believed the best action was to withdraw it and file a new H1 extension petition. The RFE 'respond by' date has also passed now. Since my previous H1 has expired, would this new H1 Extension petition be considered a valid one? I have my EAD and can continue to work on that till this H1 is approved. Please offer any suggestions you may have and let me know if there is anything else I can do.

    Thank you for the help.


    pictures Mitt Romney, who has just newsweek cover mitt. Romney on Newsweek
  • Romney on Newsweek

  • kirupa
    10-31 06:22 AM
    Added :P

    dresses the new issue of Newsweek. newsweek cover mitt. Newsweek Mitt Romney Cover
  • Newsweek Mitt Romney Cover

  • tabletpc
    01-09 12:00 PM
    Can anyone throw some light on this query...

    I presently work for a cap excempt employer and now looking for employer who could file for my h1b under cap subjected in the month of april witha start date of oct 2008.

    I would like the new employer to file my visa in such a way that, i could still continue with my present full time job even after oct 2008. Based on what i have understood, i guess if the new employer files as "COncurrent H1b" then i can join him at my wish after oct 2008 provided new emplyer has not revoked my h1b. Am i right..???

    Also many concurrent h1b can i have at a time..???

    I don't want to miss this year quota, so want to make sure i take all precaution to get h1b cleared.

    Greatly apprecite inputs...


    makeup GOP hopefuls Mitt Romney newsweek cover mitt. on the cover of Newsweek,
  • on the cover of Newsweek,

  • gemini23
    07-03 09:48 AM
    Now that USCIS has dropped bomb by announcing the revised bulletin, do you think now they will be able to bring back the premium processing for I-140? or still they dont have time to "ensure" processing in 15 days.
    Guys, what is your take on this.

    girlfriend Newsweek Magazine Cover newsweek cover mitt. for newsweek cover romney.
  • for newsweek cover romney.

  • Blog Feeds
    05-05 06:50 AM
    While Congress has the ultimate responsibility to determine immigration law, the American Immigration Council reminds the President that he has substantial authority to make fixes to the immigration system within the confines of current immigration law. From AIC director Ben Johnson: Ben Johnson, Executive Director of the American Immigration Council, noted upon release of the memo: �Ultimately, responsibility for failing to reform our dysfunctional immigration system rests on Congress. However, it is rarely the case that a President�s hands are tied by existing law�and where the President disagrees with current law, his or her policy choices regarding the implementation of...

    More... (

    hairstyles newsweek mitt romney cover newsweek cover mitt. NEWSWEEK Cover Declares
  • NEWSWEEK Cover Declares

  • Macaca
    08-16 05:40 PM
    Is the Senate Germane? Majority Leader Reid's Lament ( By Don Wolfensberger | Roll Call, August 13, 2007

    Don Wolfensberger is director of the Congress Project at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and former staff director of the House Rules Committee.

    The story is told that shortly after Thomas Jefferson returned from Paris in 1789, he asked President George Washington why the new Constitution created a Senate. Washington reportedly replied that it was for the same reason Jefferson poured his coffee into a saucer: to cool the hot legislation from the House.

    Little could they have known then just how cool the Senate could be. Today, the "world's greatest deliberative body" resembles an iceberg. Bitter partisanship has chilled relationships and slowed legislation to a glacial pace.

    The Defense authorization bill is pulled in pique because the Majority Leader cannot prevail on an Iraq amendment; only one of the 12 appropriations bills has cleared the Senate (Homeland Security); an immigration bill cannot even secure a majority vote for consideration; and common courtesies in floor debate are tossed aside in favor of angry barb-swapping. This is not your grandfather's world-class debating society.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) frustration level is code red. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) input level is code dead. The chief source of all this animosity and gridlock is the Democrats' intentional strategy to pursue partisan votes on Iraq to pressure the administration and embarrass vulnerable Republican Senators. The predictable side effects have been to poison the well for other legislation and exacerbate already frayed inter-party relationships.

    The frustration experienced by Senate Majority Leaders is nothing new and has been amply expressed by former Leaders of both parties. The job has been likened to "herding cats" and "trying to put bullfrogs in a wheelbarrow." But there does seem to be a degree of difference in this Congress for a variety of reasons.

    While Iraq certainly is the major factor, the newness of Reid on the job is another. It takes time to get a feel for the wheel. Meanwhile, there will be jerky veers into the ditch. Moreover, McConnell also is new to his job as Minority Leader. So both Leaders are groping for a rock shelf on which to build a workable relationship. Add to this the resistance from the White House at every turn and you have the perfect ice storm.

    Reid's big complaint has been the multitude of amendments that slow down work on most bills - especially non-germane amendments - and the way the Senate skips back and forth on amendments with no logical sequence. These patterns and complaints also are not new, but they are a growing obstacle to the orderly management of Senate business.

    Reid has asked Rules and Administration Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to look into expanding the germaneness rule. The existing rule applies only to general appropriations bills, post-cloture amendments and certain budget matters. The committee previously looked at broadening the germaneness rule back in 1988 and recommended an "extraordinary" majority vote (West Virginia Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd suggested three-fifths) for applying a germaneness test on specified bills. But the Senate never considered the change.

    The House, by contrast, adopted a germaneness rule in the first Congress on April 7, 1789, drawn directly from a rule invented on the fly and out of desperation by the Continental Congress: "No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment." According to a footnote in the House manual, the rule "introduced a principle not then known to the general parliamentary law, but of high value in the procedure of the House." The Senate chose to remain willfully and blissfully ignorant of the innovation - at least until necessity forced it to apply a germaneness test to appropriations amendments beginning in 1877.

    Reid's suggestion to extend the rule to other matters sounds reasonable enough but is bound to meet bipartisan resistance. Any attempt to alter traditional ways in "the upper house" is viewed by many Senators as destructive of the institution. The worst slur is, "You're trying to make the Senate more like the House." Already, Reid's futile attempts to impose restrictive unanimous consent agreements that shut out most, if not all, amendments on important bills are mocked as tantamount to being a one-man House Rules Committee.

    What are the chances of the Senate applying a germaneness rule to all floor amendments? History and common sense tell us they are somewhere between nil and none. Senators have little incentive to give up their freedom to offer whatever amendments they want, whenever they want. Others cite high public disapproval ratings of Congress as an imperative for reform. However, there is no evidence the public gives a hoot about non-germane amendments. Only if such amendments are tied directly to blocking urgently needed legislation might public ire be aroused sufficiently to bring pressure for change; and that case has yet to be made.

    Nevertheless, the Majority Leader's lament should not be dismissed out of hand. It may well be time for the Senate to undergo another self-examination through public hearings in Feinstein's committee. When Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) chaired that committee in the previous two Congresses, he showed a willingness to publicly air, and even sponsor, suggested changes in Senate rules. One such idea, to make secret "holds" public, has just been adopted as part of the lobby reform bill.

    The ultimate barrier to any change in Senate rules is the super-majority needed to end a filibuster. Although, in 1975, the Senate reduced the number of votes required for cloture on most matters from two-thirds of those present and voting to three-fifths of the membership (60), they left the two-thirds threshold in place for ending debates on rules changes. That means an extraordinary bipartisan consensus is necessary for any significant reform. In the present climate that's as likely as melting the polar ice caps. Then again ...

    08-04 08:15 AM
    I am really confused and I really need information about my situation.

    I have graduated from Culinary Institute of America on June 18 and I had an application for OPT for July15. In normal process, I have received my OPT card and begin to work at the restaurant on July 15. However, because of an important family situation I have to go back to my country for one week between September 15- 22.

    Now,my situation is; -I have an OPT card
    -I have a job
    -I am in my OPT year
    BUT: on my OPT card, it says that, I can not leave the country during my OPT year
    HOWEVER: I have to go back to my country for one week and there is no problem about taking off from my job.

    I can not be sure about leaving the country,my question is: During the OPT period, IF you have a job and all your documents are done about OPT period, are you still should not leave the country? If you leave the USA, how can you come back?

    06-05 06:34 PM
    Hello all,

    I applied for I485 + I150 in June 2007 under EB3. My I-140 is still pending.

    Employer used a preappr labor with PD of May 2005. However, the lawyer gave me only the ETA 750B portion of the labor to fill

    Now, from some forum I found out that PERM was started in March 2005 and the form was 9089 to be used for labor after march 2005 filings.

    So, how did my employer file my labor using ETA750B part which was applicable for old labors since my PD is May 2005 which is after the PERM?

    Lawyer and Employer are not willing to help, hence reaching out.

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