Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • Bogdan
    06-02 04:26 PM
    Also wanted to point out that the "dual intent" provision of the H1-B will be removed by this new CIR bill which will make matters worse for the people with I-485 pending as those applications can be rejected based on that.:(

    More bad news for the legals

    This is not true. I-485 will never be rejected based on that. However, you might need to show you have strong ties with your home country if you ask for an H1-B at the consulate abroad.

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  • eb3_nepa
    03-09 12:22 PM
    Guys a little confused.

    How does removing the cap from Schedule A, benefit the rest of us?

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  • inskrish
    09-28 09:53 PM
    Kidding aside, when I get my GC and then US citizenship, I will apply for a position in DHS....or in FBI.....

    Well, do you want to be the most cursed person in the world?:D


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  • hourglass
    03-06 12:07 PM
    could someone take the initiative of organizing conference calls.

    Hi pappu (admn)

    i work for an indian media/newspaper here in southern california, and trying to get an interview done for IV, which can be published subsequently, basically aiming our cause and goals and achievements and to create more awareness/publicity campaign about GC logjam.

    Can you write me your contact number and suitable time for this, it will be a telephonic interview.



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  • django.stone
    03-05 11:51 AM
    My case does not have a LUD.

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  • gjoe
    01-06 08:16 AM

    Indian culture, heritage 5000 years old. Indian education is gift of britishers, hence needs some adjustments to suit the current global competition.

    A small but important correction in the above quote. Indian education is not a gift of the Brits. As a matter of fact history of eduction in India dates back to its cultural heritage. Nalanda university is considered to be the worlds first university. Correct me if I am wrong.


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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    08-02 05:02 PM
    I have talked to a representative and he very patiently explained me about the mess.
    He clearly and very clearly told me that they have a deadline to send all receipts for June end and July 2nd filers by friday (tomorrow) or worst case monday.

    He mentioned that they are working hard to meet this deadline.
    Hope this clears the anxiety.

    This is true for NSC only.

    Hey vow!,

    Thanq so much for the good news!U filled us with lots of hope!


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  • jung.lee
    09-12 12:41 AM
    Great idea, although I prefer the "Whatever Clock (" since their [USCIS] forward and backward movements happen for no apparent rhyme or reason.


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  • Libra
    09-14 01:00 PM
    thank you gconmymind and Bhanu for the contributions. Hope to see you guys in DC.

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  • vparam
    09-14 03:51 AM
    For all those who have sent PM.... Please note I am not an attorney or accountant... But then I had consulted my account and few attorney's ( paid the required fees to get them answered)... So please use your own judgement/caution.

    1. Yes you can open a LLC singly or jointly with your wife/friend/anyone.

    2. You can start the LLC even when you are on H1B but it is better that you wait till you get your EAD to get oprationalized. reason very very conservative view is that you cannot even write a check for your company or deposit a check... but this is a very conservative view....

    3. To open a LLC you can use an accountant ( if you have one, it will be cheaper by a couple of hundred dollars) or use agencies like .... I have used both in the past....

    4. Intially you can just form LLC as single or joint partnership and then elect as S corporations for taxing.... I forget within which period it is to be done, if I correctly remember when you file your first tax return or within 6 months you need to elect as filing as single person entity( then it becomes like your personal income) or you could elect as S corp....

    5. You will a tax id for the LLC, business license and other documents when you form a LLC, You will need to maintain book and tax records for 3 years... best to have it managed by an accountant

    6. You/ your spouse can work for your LLC.... Some of you if you want to after 180 days change employers can move into your LLC and maintain that you are employed in same occupational duties for your own LLC...

    Hope I have been able to answer your questions....:cool:


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  • vselvam
    12-17 06:26 PM
    Instead of doing all of this, First, if we able to make every one just take one day off from work on the same day through out the USA and let our employers and the press knows that we are doing this to show about our issues. We do not need to go on rally. At least if we take off on the same day through out USA to make sure people understand about our issues and our sufferings. I am not sure how it will help. At least if we make it to be notified by the government, .press, our employers. and the public about our issues.

    I am not sure it is possible and is it worth? any thoughts...

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  • realizeit
    07-11 10:51 AM
    These two could be the real reasons why they changed the dates to 2006-June-01.

    1. USCIS want to utilize all available EB2 and EB1-Balance GC numbers before 2008-0ct-01. So, they moved the EB2 dates in such a way that there is enough room for obtaining approvable and valid EB2 applications.

    2. They could just move the dates to somewhere at the end of 2005 instead of 2006-June to achieve the same result. But, they did this specifically to include some relief to EB2 CHINA folks as well. EB2 China backlog starts from the beginning of 2006.

    3. This reason is from my imagination: USCIS is a govt organization..You know. I heard stories that corruption is there everywhere in a GOVT system. Some influential applicant needs to get the benefit and they moved the dates to June-2006. :)) HEY THIS IS NOT TRUE :)

    Oh by the way, this won't last long. The month September could see an "UNAVAILABLE" EB2 or "2004-APRIL" EB2.

    My heart jumps with joy, but my brain still caution the heart to wait for the official visa bulletin at DOS/USCIS website. USCIS has a trend of "correcting" the visa bulletin. Nevertheless, if the dates are really what they are published at Mumbai site, its a time for us to be happy.

    EB2 looks promising, but in this moment of joy lets not forget our friends in EB3 category. Anyone whose priority date is current, please don't just move forward with your joy, and continue to support IV and our initiatives to help legal immigrants. We have suffered so much because the folks who came prior to us never bothered to support legal immigration, once they got their their GC. Please remember that after GC/Citizenship, your status in this nation depends on how active you are socially/politically.


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  • insbaby
    08-13 03:58 PM
    We can write letters, emails, fax, contribute to IV but nothing is gonna help. This is the fact!

    Yes. It may help, but EB3 is not the one who is going to get any piece out of it, as EB2 is increasing in huge amount. Even if it is CURRENT for 10 years, thats not going to help anyone below that level as everyone will qualify for EB2 in future, almost all the future candidates will have minimum of 5 years experience.

    1. Live with this. Don't come to any forum, don't think about VISA bulletin. Take your Gc when it comes to your doorstep. May be by then, we may not need it. We may be tired of being on the same job and GC may not bring any
    motivation to our career.

    Well, if one decided to continue the process of waiting, there won't be any career to talk about at the end.

    2. Move over to EB2 - If possible, take all the pains of changing job, place of living, unpredictability in PERM queue and I140 queue and move over to EB2. But you never know. One of our Indian brothers might have just won a lawsuit to stop us from moving over!! In that sense, EB3 I is worst than illegals. Least wanted legals in the USA!!

    Not possible for all to go to EB2 as most of the companies hesitate to spend huge amount again and same is applicable to the individual too. It may not be worth at the end to spend another 5K on this. Well said, we should then fight with our own friends (because they may not like us to get the Lion's share) before going to DOS and USCIS.

    3. Get out of this country - Give up the American dream and come to reality and start a new dream. May be Canadian dream or Australian dream...

    I am waking up from 'abroad' dream. The real dream in front is "Home", without any issue that works for me.

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  • yabadaba
    02-28 05:38 PM united nations may post


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  • sumansk
    09-28 01:37 PM
    Dream , Agjobs and SKIL all will come up after the breask senate returns around 12th oct....they will come as standalone bills.. for now HR 1585 goes alone ...with out any of these in sight..
    But hopes are still alive with Reid acknowledging that he will put these to vote before the senate leaves for the final year end in mid november..

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  • 9years
    10-29 11:13 AM
    NO LUD on I-485 yet.



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  • Green.Tech
    05-27 10:59 PM
    $100 today

    Thanks akp22.

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  • ragz4u
    03-08 01:38 PM
    She prefers the way the chairman's markup as it is right now

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  • jonty_11
    07-06 01:03 PM
    I see that we all are very busy fighting amongst ourselves. Did all of you get a chance to "Digg" the story so it gets maximum publicity possible? This is the only story so far that carefully analyzes the 485 fiasco and longer it runs the better it will be for us.

    Please take a min and digg it. You'll be doing yourself a favor.
    yes please concentrate on IV action items, Contact senators, media, and keep digging...please that is the only way we have use ur free time to Digg...please

    07-11 11:13 AM
    Pause and take a moment to rejoice. Then turn all eyes to processing dates.

    TSC July 17 2007
    NSC July 28 2007

    That would mean July 2 filers EB2 are waiting only for visa number (assuming USCIS is processing cases strictly on RD basis) - wooooooooooooow.

    06-11 08:46 PM
    Just eat mangoes and have fun! GC doesnt taste half as good as Indian mangoes.

    ek dozen kitne mein girega mere bhai ?

    how much for a dozen my :D

    If I buy mangoes from you, can you get me a green card ?

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