Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • bayarea07
    03-17 07:17 PM
    Looks like IRS is not going to give us back 1200$ as part of the stimulus package,which they were planning to earlier.

    Source >,,id=179211,00.html

    Basic Information on the Stimulus Payments

    Updated March 14, 2008 � new 1040A-3 package

    You've heard about it. Now find out how to get yours.

    What is it? It's an economic stimulus payment that more than 130 million households will receive starting in May. It's not taxable, and it won't reduce your 2007 or 2008 refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return.

    Are you eligible? You're eligible if you have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) and show qualifying income of at least $3,000 on your federal tax return. Both people listed on a "married filing jointly" return must have valid SSNs to qualify for the payment � if only one has a valid SSN, neither can receive the payment.

    Can you use an ITIN instead of an SSN? Taxpayers with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) instead of an SSN are not eligible to receive a stimulus payment. Both people listed on a "married filing jointly" return must have valid SSNs to qualify for the payment � if only one has a valid SSN, neither can receive the payment.

    Not eligible at the current time? If your circumstances change and you become eligible after you file your 2007 federal tax return, you can always file an amended return using Form 1040X. If you're not eligible this year but you become eligible next year, you can claim the economic stimulus payment next year on your 2008 tax return.

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  • gc_check
    01-07 02:45 PM
    Finally, BOA approved your loan or not. I am in exact same situation as you & they have denied my refinance.
    No, I was not successful in getting loan approved from BOA last year when I was looking for re-fi. I was too busy with work and other issues and had less time to follow-up and trying to convince/educate them on EAD,etc.. and wasn't sure, If I could. Since mine was a re-fi and the current loan is already in a better rate, I did not take the effort to purse further.

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  • krishnam70
    07-23 08:36 PM
    Thanks for letting us know about your friends. At least we can see that USCIS is trying to clear 2004 applicants. They will be taking care of 2005 soon then. :D

    Dont mean to dampen your spirits, happy for the poster of this thread. Could have been lucky to get approved while people like me ( Sep 2003) PD waiting 485 filed 3 yrs ago.

    anyway cheers -- go partying

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  • Milind123
    09-17 02:18 PM
    I will be leaving for DC in a couple of hours. Need to pack, get gas tank full, and decide what clothes to iron and ton of other mundane things. Thanks a lot to all those people who participated in this 401K round. If you found these shots, guns and jokes etc. amusing, thank you for your support. If you think it was silly, I appreciate you, for keeping those thoughts private.

    So here is my final shot for all the people who contributed for the first time, those who contributed again, to all those who were motivated, to all those who were amused and most of all to the people who are going to DC.

    $100 Order Details - Sep 17, 2007 2:20 PM EDT Google Order #348908840140049

    I usually don�t share my private life. But just to let you know, I postponed my foot surgery on Friday so I can attend this rally. (First and last time on this thread to send some people on a teeny-weeny guilt trip). People under going heart surgery and people who tend to look at the roof (Ref. My previous post) are excused from this guilt trip.

    Still a few shots left to be fired to finish this final round. You all know the reasons for taking those shots.

    Adios. See you in DC.

    P.S I will remove my signature after all the shots are fired.


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  • peacock
    07-18 06:14 PM
    Contributed 100 dollars today and will be contributing more in the future.
    We should all contribute to strengthen IV .

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  • sledge_hammer
    04-17 02:20 PM
    H4+ I-485 pending still is a valid status. Now what rules they have regarding approving the loan to someone who is not working (because of H4 status) is something I am unaware of and not immigration related, I guess.

    But if you are going to send them a copy of your I-485 application, that should mean SOMETHING in their eyes.

    Do let us know how it goes. It will also be helpful to others in your situation. Good luck!

    Thank you Mr. Hammer.

    My question was about H4 + 485 pending? Then what is the status? I have earlier given EAD, but they did not accept that. I am submitting 485 receipt with A#. Let me see how it goes.


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  • learning01
    04-25 01:56 PM
    Let's talk about how backlog has affected us or our green card process. Let's discuss, write, post here about how to ask law makers to increase visa numbers for green cards affected by retrogression. Let's ask the USCIS to revert for concurrent filing. Write about these. Write letters to editors, to law makers, to companies. Let's stay focussed. Already there is the CIR is stalled for lack of agreement between Sen. Frist and Sen. Reid.

    Let's take this PD definition discussion offline, as at present this is not a goal of IV. Am I correct?
    The priority date based on the person first entering the US on H1B visa, or converting to a H1 status from any other visa status in the US is an excellent one.

    This eliminates all the issues that H1Bs face today when applying for a GC. Employer portability, Visa retrogression etc ( and not to mention employer manipulation of H1Bs workers in delaying to file GCs ) are applied in fairness to everyone. This takes the fear out of H1B workers to change jobs at will without regard to negative impact on their pending GC applications..

    Way to go.. Why can't IV propose to add this one liner to any of the impending amendments or find another lawmaker to support this which can alleviate most issues faced by H1Bs today.

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  • RN_Usa
    08-02 10:27 AM

    any updates on the bridge bill for schedule A Nurses.
    Heard that it is proposed and not passed till today. Any future predictions. The healthcare shortage is critical.


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  • softcrowd
    12-27 09:04 AM
    The notion "If you enter back on H1B, your GC process is abandoned" is utterly wrong. AP is an interim benefit which you may or may not use. Actually there are few people who never applied for EAD/AP due to various reasons....

    Your 485 is just not impacted no matter you use your EAD/AP or h1B while reentering!

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  • jonty_11
    07-06 01:35 PM
    66K plus 60K still only makes 126K, do they still have another 20K or so? How does the math tally here?

    I think this all boils down to them wanting to clear the 485 backlog without accepting any more 485s all while not wasting any visa numbers for this year.
    In an effort to juggle all these issues, they screwed it all up.

    Bottom line is they want to streamline the system such that they don't have "unapprovable" 485s in the system. They have caught on to the way the lawyers and us legal immigrants were filing 485s to get our foot in the door then sitting tight for eons. They simply don't want that. They either want you here on a visa or on a green card straightforwardly. Thats what I am getting from all this.
    Could be, But I still feel they did this to avoid a but load of applications simple because they DO NOT WANNA WORK.
    If they think that we should be on GCs or VISA only, then they would be already working on streamlining the sytem instead of wasting so many VISAS every year as per Ombudsman's report.


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  • rongha_2000
    04-30 03:44 PM
    This was a good one..!! what was the response?

    Nice point - he is asking for suggestions to improve the process (making things quicker) ... any suggestions at all !!!!

    Joke joke... the reply was it will take some time to get back to you on that ... questioner asked - is it going to take as long as it takes to get a visa or faster???

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  • Green.Tech
    06-17 05:12 PM
    Paypal away!!!


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  • ak_2006
    05-15 09:46 AM
    Here is the scoop.

    from US Congresswoman's office, an immigration specialist spoke to their liaison at the Nebraska Service Center.

    Liaison confirmed the following:

    1. I-140 approval in September, 2007 (actually 09/04/2009 as I have the hard copy)
    2. I-140 revocation in Feb, 2009 ( he has not provided the day of the month, but from LUD I have it strongly pointing to 02/03/2009)
    I have not told the Congresswoman's office about the I-140 revocation. Just mentioned that it might have happened as I have left the company.

    3. Liaison did confirm that even after the I-140 being withdrawn I am eligible for adjustment thru AC21.

    4. Liaison did agree that if the I-140 was revoked within the stipulated time given in AC21, Nebraska’s decision to deny the I-485 may have been in error. (which in my case is true)

    Immigration specialist at the Congresswoman's office is going to contact the Director of NSC to review this matter with a supervisor

    Unanswered questions:

    1. If the Liaison can see that my I-140 is approved on 09/04/2009, why is that the adjudicating officer is responding with a denial on 09/04/2009 and subsequent denial of I-485?
    2. Are they both not looking at my information with same interface?

    Atleast in my case it looks deliberate and intentional.

    Hi ind_game,

    For me, 1. I-140 approval in September, 2007 (actually 09/04/2009 as I have the hard copy) has typo. I think your 09/04/2009 should be 2007.

    Please correct.

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  • indio0617
    03-09 10:39 AM


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  • iam_1900
    09-11 11:50 AM
    Google Order #366480709457688

    Good luck with the rally

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  • vallabhu
    03-31 03:56 PM
    Application date 26 th June 2004 just received the 45 day letter from Phil back log center.

    responded via fax.


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  • rahulpaper
    09-13 03:37 PM
    Thanks Pappu

    Pls see the first post on this thread for directions and the URL

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  • sparky_jones
    09-10 09:45 AM
    Looks like last night's particle accelerator experiement sent us back in time!:D

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  • sravs1234
    01-10 09:40 PM
    Thanks sy. I fully agree it's the agent we deal with. My BOA loan coordinator is extremely stubborn & doesn't have any clue regarding immigration. From day 1 she is stuck on unexpired I-94 & till today she asks me to furnish that. Is it possible that I can contact you or any of your friends through email / phone & discuss to check where I am going wrong. I can furnish my contact details if needed.

    DCU is the way to go. To get membership, you may have to donate a few dollars to some group and become a member, before you can open an account. Their rates are competitive, and closing costs are "very decent". 90% of the stuff can be done over ph/fax/email. The best thing that my friend said was even without 20% down payment, his PMI (private mortgage insurance) was a mere 30 dollars (for a 220k home).


    06-23 05:18 PM
    I am preparing an article for NY times explaining our sufferings! Please contribute your thoughts.

    1. What is America losing because of our prolonged wait for Green Cards?

    2. How people who have green cards are contributing to the country as a whole ?

    3. What if the whole green card process takes less than 3 years ?

    Few obvious things are we would have bought a house, gone up in our carrier ladder, spend more and contribute to the economy, our spouse could have started working etc....

    I am looking for thoughts and experience other than the above things.

    USA is made by illegal immigrants (over 13 millions) and bonded labors (H1B - GC).

    Losses suffered by illegal immigrants and H1B-GC people fuels US economy (or at least contributes to that). My contributions so far might have been above half a millions. Indirect beneficiaris are top most companies.

    You may get some valuable inputs from although I did not fully endorse the thread:

    Good observation.

    It will be breaking more than making - it will be like this news:

    America is not loosing by delaying any process of streamlining any illegal immigrants or H1B-GC process.

    03-04 05:31 PM
    One last question, if you don't mind.

    I assume yours is a conventional loan, how much equity do you have on your home, and how much down payment did you make on your home purchase first time?

    I didn't pay any points. I locked in two weeks back and closed this week. Lender is a local bank in Mass.

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