Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • cbpds
    08-23 11:44 AM

    Memo always supercedes the current definition although it shoudnt as in the case of the h1 neufield memo, so you may not be right

    Definition of EB-2 Advanced Degree:
    Documentation, such as an official academic record showing that you have a U.S. advanced degree or a foreign equivalent degree, or an official academic record showing that you have a U.S. baccalaureate degree or a foreign equivalent degree and letters from current or former employers showing that you have at least 5 years of progressive post-baccalaureate work experience in the specialty.

    Source: USCIS - Employment-Based Immigration: Second Preference EB-2 ( D&vgnextchannel=816a83453d4a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60a RCRD)

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  • LegallyGC
    08-12 01:09 PM
    I dont think this will change anything ...

    1. Infy/TCs and all biggies will shift more jobs to India and other contries or hire people on contract from smaller desi consultants who have less than 50 guys.

    2. Desi consulting companies here with more than 50 employees will split them selves into 2 or 3 companies of less than 50 employees and avoid the 2000$ extra fee...

    3. 600M will never to till the border and those illegals keep coming.

    4. Indian americans leaders (if they read the news about this law) will curse saying "how bad things are now compared to how it was when they came here" and then keep voting democrats....

    5. We as immigrant community will talk a lot about this in our forums and curse Senators, Democrats, infy and many others till next month's VISA bulletin and then forget this ever hapened.

    6. This thread will have a lot of posts and then slowly phase out...

    Unless we decide to educate senators, congressmen, indian americans what are the side affects of this....

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  • andy garcia
    10-01 11:01 AM
    What can we do, so that USCIS does not really issue that many FS category visas during 2007 - 2008?

    It is so confusing that I do not know how to explain the whole thing.

    Here is a small sample.

    In 2002 all the EB visas were issued(174,968). However, there were 31,532 unused family preference visas, so the limit for 2003 was 171,532 (140,000 + 31,532).

    Guess what, in 2003 they only approved 82,137 EB visas, so they ended up with 88,482 unused EB visas

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  • zerozerozeven
    07-11 09:25 AM
    PD - Jul 07
    Any hopes for me in the Sep bulletin? hope they move it by another 14 to 15 months wife badly needs an EAD to start working


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  • coolngood4u80
    12-12 01:37 PM
    You will get your GC in 2011.
    Which state are you in? Try other means of financing for the car. Sometimes the dealers themselves have options but might be a % or two higher.
    There was a previous post regarding admisibility of EAD as one of the documents for DL. You might want to search for that post. I asume you dont have an H1b, right?
    I am on H1 and I140 approved. Bank of american denied my car loan. Infact Honda Finance too denied my loan. Finally I had to go with Credit union who gave me very good APR for my excellent credit history. So there is a way out guys ..we just have to live with it untill we get our GC

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  • santb1975
    06-15 12:28 PM
    We have 1109 dollars to raise to reach 20K. That shouldn't be hard to achieve


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  • greyhair
    08-12 02:50 PM
    My suggestion for everyone reading this is - do not send this information to your Company or HR department. They could ask us to table this additional cost. I work for Accenture so I hope that this does not apply to my employer with less than 50% employees on visa. But I'm not going to write to them asking about this because they may turn around asking us to eat this new cost.

    How about you? Has anyone contacted their employer already? What are they saying?

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  • vin13
    03-12 12:55 PM
    So you want the people who are working on the initiatives to to go through and read and respond to every individual?

    You are not getting my point. It is the other way around. I want to know who is leading the effort so i can contact them and respond or contribute.


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  • gc_dedo
    04-30 03:56 PM
    wow they have run out of questions.

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  • factoryman
    06-21 01:15 PM
    Link to post at IV (


    today's Post (
    Don't understand what you mean? I could not locate your other post about C&G. Please guide me to that post.
    Also, why in the world do they have to slow down processing PERM applications? And that too the Atlanta Center? May it is time for them to transfer all the cases from Atlanta center to Chicago center and dedicate the Atlanta center to process other work.
    Just does not make sense at all.


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  • a1b2c3
    09-10 12:39 PM
    I don't know if anybody has noticed it but the dates for EB-2 for VB October 2007 was April 1, 2004 and for VB October 2008 is April 1, 2003. That is a retrogression of 1 year - not good. :mad:

    And then you must have also noticed that in Dec 07, it moved to Jan 1, 02.
    Jan 00 in Jan 08, U in Feb-March and then April 03 in April 07.
    With due respect, I don't think what you have observed really points to anything, either way.

    Eventually, EB2-I will move forward, probably next April or so. And yes, this is all good old speculation, it doesn't mean anything really.

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  • krish2005
    12-10 03:45 PM
    Its hurting to see that no major movements in jan bulletin. :mad:

    Sad story continues. Only EB3 moved by 1 month surprisingly.

    There is a chance that during this year, EB2 might become unavailable too.


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  • getgreened2010
    07-21 08:28 AM
    I got my loan approved in April 2010 from Wells Fargo, the under writer created some problems but my loan officer gave them references of prior loans getting approved for people on AOS so it worked out well in the end. I know a lot of people who's loans were approved (both conventional and FHA) and were on AOS. All the best hope everything works out well for you.

    Any one recently re-financed or obtained a mortgage loan with Bank of America or Wells Fargo. Both the banks denied loan stating not having a valid visa as a reason, though I have approved EAD with 485 pending and I-140 approved. I have contacted the customer support, since the loan was through the mortgage broker. The underwrite appears to not accept EAD as a valid status and asking to provide a copy of visa to purse further. Any one have any specific docs / links that might help other than the ones in this thread.

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  • softcrowd
    12-27 09:04 AM
    The notion "If you enter back on H1B, your GC process is abandoned" is utterly wrong. AP is an interim benefit which you may or may not use. Actually there are few people who never applied for EAD/AP due to various reasons....

    Your 485 is just not impacted no matter you use your EAD/AP or h1B while reentering!


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  • bskrishna
    07-11 12:04 PM
    heres the thing..we have been talking about the 2004 hump for eb2 for a while now. if you download the perm data from 2005 you will see only 7000+ PERM approvals for India. this included a significant number of EB3 other worker categories like pipe welder, cook, etc ( i am assuming they were eb3 -other worker...correct me if i m wrong)

    this was the breakdown per month for perm 2005

    April -13

    7290 - includes everybody - eb2, eb3, eb3 other workers

    the whole question was the hump of 2004-march2005

    ithis is the first time since when retrogression started on oct 1 2005, that the dates have moved beyond 2005.

    do we have any such nos for 04? ideally 05 EB2 should buzz through adjudication in less then a quarter.

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  • edgarrecto
    08-13 03:47 PM
    who will act if we will not act!!!

    who will move if we will not move!!!!

    if not now, when?


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  • santb1975
    05-25 04:17 PM
    with your contributions.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-24 05:12 PM

    I have sent out the email and couple of my friends will also do the same. Good intiative, much appreciated.

    Thanks wandmaker for appreciation. It helps!

    I got quite a few positive responses. On other side I got few negative messages, few pessimitics and few red dots on posts after I started this exercise. Sometimes it still bothers me but I guess I need to get out of this critics and appreciations and want to concentrate 100% on agenda: Fight against injustice in AC21 implementation.

    To all,

    If you appreciate me, please help me by motivating others to join the movement.

    If you don't like me - please be generous and atleast tell me what should be done rather than just criticizing.

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  • nk2006
    07-05 12:17 PM
    Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton is coming to TANA in Washington.. i am from bay area.. i know lot of people are going this.. please take a print out and talk personally, explain our problems.. Please Thanks
    I suggested this other day - nobody responded. Please anyone attending TANA can you please contact organizers and see if they can arrange couple minutes of Hillary's time to highlight this issue.

    12-01 09:50 AM
    Hmmm....I am still wondering...

    1> How much money an applicant will spend on MTR? on self, on dependents?
    2> How much money an applicant will bleed to move to US District Court?
    3> If an applicant is working on EAD during all this farce, would he be able to continue working (atleast seeing paycheck) or will seat at home and bleed more?
    4> if he looses EAD job, will CIS again punish him for not having a job?
    5> Even after doing all these above, what if he accumulates 180 days of unlawful(?) presence? will he be deported for following the laws?
    6> Last question: Are those undocumented workers are better positioned to get legal citizenship in long run than those legal skilled immigrants from retrogressed countries?

    (sorry for my language, but I can't understand the logic behind such a serious painful punishment to an innocent lawful AC-21 user without any fault of his own? is there justice? what do I not understand here? I am sure I am missing something. Please guide!!!)

    1. MTR -USCIS fee$585, Lawyer fee vary between $750 to $3500. Dependents another $500 extra in lawyer fee
    2. US court no idea - but RG website says they take cases free of charges if case is strong as they can get attorney fee from USCIS..

    03-16 10:07 AM
    The number to call is 202-737-3220. Tell the receptionist that the Judiciary Committee hearing cannot be heard from Dirksen Rm 226 and that it is extremely important for you to hear this live as it unfolds

    If a lot of folks call, they will make sure it works!

    If you call up, leave a post here so we know that you have called too....

    Lets get going guys....

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