Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • amitps
    09-09 07:13 PM
    Hello All,

    My prayers be with IV. Though I cant attend, I would want to make a contribution of $200 for the rally. Can somebody let me know an easy way to make this payment please? I dont have a paypal, googlr acct.


    You do not need to have a paypal account, you can pay using Mastercard, Visa. Please let me know if you need more help -

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  • ndbhatt
    09-09 12:43 PM
    My 2 cents.

    From what I have read and learned from my experience, the dwelling (house/condo/apt, etc) prices are sensible and affordable (read payable) if it is between 2-3 times household annual income. I think this applies universaly with few exceptions.

    Average household (family) income in India metro cities is around 6-7 INR lacs. For folks working in IT, it would be 'X' % more depending on his/her work. Let's take liberal amount of 12 lacs p.a.

    This means that buying a property for price over INR 36 lacs would carry significant risk of defaulting. I have heard many of my friends give me argument that our income will grow significantly over years and should be able to manage higher loan amounts.

    I am really aghast at the rate at which NRI's are investing in India. I can speak to Mumbai, where there are thousands of NRI bought properties that are vacant for years and there is no justifiable ROI. Having realised that there is no ROI due to resale or renting, sooner or later they will start pulling out their hard earned money. I wouldn't be surprised to see many foreclosures, in years to come, and RBI may have to bail out ICICI, IDBI, etc - a scenario similar to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    I have thumb rule for myself - Don't buy property which is 3 times more than current annual income.

    P.S. This isn't applicable for folks who have inherited a fortune. :D

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  • Cheran
    07-11 03:23 PM
    Let's get this straight, We don't know each other, outside this website I see you as my competitor. Tomorrow you and I could compete for the same job right? Now add in the fact, that by crude luck you get your Green Card in 10 months and I get it in 10 years, how do you think that it is fair on my part?

    You are here in Immigrationvoice, because you want your Green Card, so lets not act as if we are saving the world.

    I don't want you suffer but at the same time I don't want to suffer so that others could live a hearty life...

    I really sympathise with your situation, But your comments are outrageous.
    R you saying Just because you suffered every body has to suffer.:mad:

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  • wa_Saiprasad
    07-18 01:02 PM
    So that puts on to 350$ and 50$ monthly. Common people lets us all donate to help urselfs.


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  • Positive
    05-05 08:34 AM
    Thank you for all of you who made the calls.

    Calls are only the start. Remember, the other side is also doing the same -sometimes outsourcing calls.

    Remember we all spend hours in US consulates waiting for our turn. What is now stopping us to make a personal visit. Explaining your story in person is far more effective than a call or an email.

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  • Mouns
    04-30 03:27 PM
    Only 95000 GCs? I thought the recap number is somewhere in the 200K range. Or is this family based GC for which 95K will be available?

    Yes, regarding recapture for family based only. If you add employment one you are talking about 200K total.


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  • pappu
    09-09 09:01 PM

    I work at NPR and joined recently. I am going to work with my manager next week and convince them to get coverage for our rally.

    That will be wonderful. Thanks

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  • akp
    07-20 12:30 PM
    I don't believe all 750000 are EAD wannabies!


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  • caliguy
    09-09 03:05 AM
    Good luck guys! Thanks for all the hard work each of you are putting in.

    Transaction ID: 8NY02905F8401260H
    Contributions so far: $440

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  • chanduv23
    09-13 03:21 PM
    Order Details - Sep 13, 2007 12:40 PM GMT-07:00
    Google Order #949176417011663

    Great, and please make it to the rally


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  • Milind123
    09-17 01:04 AM
    Listened to the recording. I simply cannot believe what the host was babbling again and again about. He was repeatedly asking Jay “Why should the laws be changes which were set 50 years ago?” I will tell him why the laws are normally changed in general (not related to our case at all). They are changed because by definition law is supposed to be just; it is supposed to be equal. It is required to be non-discriminating. It is changed because people’s life is affected adversely if it remains constant. Laws of nature are the only set on laws that cannot change and that is true because they took billions and billions of years to perfect themselves. Laws of any country on this earth are not perfect. They are made by human beings, who tend to make lot of mistakes. Now, what is amendment? It is a set of new rules that are written to rectify any mistakes made in the existing laws. That itself is changing the law, my friend Raj. There is no county on this earth whose laws have remained the same for a very long period of time, and yet keeping all the people in that country happy. Laws get changed because of the new values added to the system. That is why, my friend Raj, slavery was abolished in 1863 by President Lincoln (BTW my most favorite President). This did not happen by magic. It happened only when the president issued an Emancipation Proclamation, which basically is a law and the jist of that is , "all persons held as slaves henceforward shall be free”. Now how did this happen? Because of the civil war and why did the civil war took place? Simply because people cannot take it anymore. You should know all this Mr. Raj Khanna, you were there to witness it with your own eyes when you were 147 years old (well at least that’s what you claim through your profile).

    Raj’s profile

    PS I did not listen to the antakshri, but if some of us did listen, we need to provide the curious lady with the correct answer, maybe her GC case is also pending for the last 7 years (probably a future member of IV).

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  • achiever2001
    07-20 03:05 PM
    The calculations below is not to scare anyone but it may very well a reality. Based on the assumptions below, some people may have to wait up to 20 months to get a EAD card: Ouch!

    A Total I-485 Applicants: 750000 Applicants
    B Each EAD processing time: 5 Minutes
    C Total processing hrs: 62500 Hours
    (Calculations: AxB/60)
    D Daily productive Hours: 5 Hours
    (It is a government body!)
    E Total Man Days (Business Days): 12500 Man Days
    (Calculations: C/D)
    F EAD Workforce: 30 People
    G Total Business Days: 417 Days
    (Calculations: E/F)
    H Average Business Days in a month: 21 Days
    I Total Clearing Time : 20 Months
    (Calculations: G/I)

    So what are trying to prove ? Generally i dont respond but this just shows that you have a lot of time. Why dampen people's spirits by such post or why try to say that whatever IV has done is a waste. That is what i get from what you have posted. If you are cynical, keep it to your own self, dont start such negative threads. Dont know you and this is not a personal attack but think twice before you create such posts, because they are disheartening for many (including me) who are so frustrated that they can believe any thing negative. Chill out and let us enjoy the moment why we have it, if things change over the period, we are fighters, we will survive but dont add to our problems by your predictions and logic (which might be right to start with but do we tell cancer patients that they are going to die on such and such date).

    No offence intended but cool off.


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  • andy garcia
    10-01 05:08 PM
    Let us wait for the statement from USCIS

    It is a long wait.

    First the DOS publishes a preliminary report on March/April
    then the final report from CIS is not published until July/August of the following year.

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  • sriv1
    07-15 10:43 AM
    Contributed 25$ today..
    Immigration Voice IV $ 25.00 07/21/2008 7YDSQ-08C91

    Total contributions till today 125$.

    Can anyone shed some light on this... I want to know how to pay thru BOA bill pay option.

    For BOA, you can add your own Payee.
    Under Payee tab > Search browse Payee List > Then on rightside see 'Pay anyone- Add your own Payee'. Select this add IV as a payee.


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  • uma001
    05-05 02:55 PM
    Are you guys calling during work hours?
    Are you guys calling from cell phone?

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  • gcformeornot
    05-31 12:41 PM


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  • diptam
    07-06 12:11 AM
    You need to change the SUBJECT also...

    FBI fingerprint bumping and checks are IGNORED for IMMIGRANTS - Can not believe it ? This is called HOMELAND SECURITY ???

    How come USCIS / DOS can ignore CRITICAL FBI name check steps ?

    This is by far the most effective story that highlights the security concerns raised by approving cases that hasn't cleared the background check yet. This could be the big story. It may, however, be the double-edged sword. I think we need to keep this going as much as we can.

    Digg .. Digg.. Digg ... keep digging even in your sleep.

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  • learning01
    04-25 01:56 PM
    Let's talk about how backlog has affected us or our green card process. Let's discuss, write, post here about how to ask law makers to increase visa numbers for green cards affected by retrogression. Let's ask the USCIS to revert for concurrent filing. Write about these. Write letters to editors, to law makers, to companies. Let's stay focussed. Already there is the CIR is stalled for lack of agreement between Sen. Frist and Sen. Reid.

    Let's take this PD definition discussion offline, as at present this is not a goal of IV. Am I correct?
    The priority date based on the person first entering the US on H1B visa, or converting to a H1 status from any other visa status in the US is an excellent one.

    This eliminates all the issues that H1Bs face today when applying for a GC. Employer portability, Visa retrogression etc ( and not to mention employer manipulation of H1Bs workers in delaying to file GCs ) are applied in fairness to everyone. This takes the fear out of H1B workers to change jobs at will without regard to negative impact on their pending GC applications..

    Way to go.. Why can't IV propose to add this one liner to any of the impending amendments or find another lawmaker to support this which can alleviate most issues faced by H1Bs today.

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  • chanduv23
    06-01 03:37 PM
    AILA ( has an analysis of the immigration bill in an article "Top 5 Concerns Regarding Employment-Based Immigration in S. 1348":

    there is a disturbing section in there:

    Gaps in Green Card Availability � Immigrant visa petitions filed after May 15, 2007 on the basis of the current employment-based preference system will be rejected. � During the period between May 15, 2007 and the date the new merit based system is up and running (likely October 1, 2008), no new employment-based green card applications can be filed.

    Any validity to this claim ?
    If so, Does this mean that all I-485 that can be filled with the latest jump in priority date will be voided ?
    Is this valid/legal ?

    Maybe for new L/C filings .. can anyone look at this interpretation??

    05-08 03:16 PM
    I'm new to all this. What is the 45 day letter?

    06-25 12:01 PM
    Got approved just now. Labor filed EB3 on 23rd Feb Govt job. Thinsg are moving ... Best of luck to all !!!


    Dude ,

    You owe us all a plate of Panipuri each .:D CONGRATS once again . Enjoy your day .

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